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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Countdown to Christmas: Gift Idea - Custom Jewelry by Bicursal Designs

How beautiful and unique is this necklace?!  Recently I found out that one of my coworkers makes gorgeous custom jewelry.  He and his girlfriend are the artists behind Bicursal Designs, a line of hand-carved natural wood, stone, and sterling silver jewelry.  Of course, I was curious.  When I realized that they make everything custom order, I had to check it out!

For some time now, I've been smitten with state jewelry, but hadn't really found one that stood out to me enough to buy.  After checking out Bicursal Designs,  I asked Zack if he was up for making an Indiana-shaped necklace.  He told me to get on the site, decide which wood I wanted him to use (they have so many to choose from!), and start looking on Etsy for a stone.  I finally decided to use my birthstone (opal) for the stone, but couldn't decide on the type of wood, so Zack said he'd pick whichever worked best with the stone I'd ordered.

The end product was amazing! He chose the red heart wood for the base, tulip poplar for the center (state tree of Indiana), and outlined the whole thing with inlaid turquoise.  I am so happy with how it turned out and I just love having my own custom piece.  To check out Bicursal Designs, go to their website at

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