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Friday, December 7, 2012

Peanut Post: Vegetable Beef Stew Puree

Here's a recipe packed full of nutrients and flavor for my growing girl.  It looks and smells so good that Michael was disappointed when he realized it was for Annalyn's dinner, not his.  I guess I'll have to make it again soon for Daddy!  As written below, it made 4 ice cube trays (plus a little for taste-testing!), or 48 oz.

Vegetable Beef Stew Puree

- 1 T. olive oil
- 3/4 lb. beef for stew
- 1 small onion (or half medium), finely chopped
- 1/2 c. carrots, chopped or shredded
- 2 celery stalks, finely chopped
- 2 c. vegetable broth
- 1 can crushed tomatoes
- 2 medium potatoes (or sweet potatoes), peeled and diced
- 1 c. baby spinach, tough stems removed
**optional:  Add small pasta (such as stars or alphabets) and shredded cheese just before serving.


1.  Heat oil in a medium saucepan.  Add the beef and cook over medium-high heat until browned on all sides, about 5 minutes.

2.  Finely chop the onion and celery, add to the beef and saute for 2 minutes.

3.  Peel and dice the potatoes.  Add potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and vegetable broth.  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover, and simmer gently for 45 minutes until veggies are soft and beef is tender.

4.  Add the spinach, cover and cook for 5 minutes until spinach wilts.  Give it one more quick stir, then remove from heat and puree to desired consistency, adding a little more vegetable broth or water if necessary.

I can't believe how grown-up she's looking lately!  I guess all these yummy, healthy purees are paying off because she's growing like a weed and so close to walking on her own.  She's also really taken an interest in her puppies lately. 

so big!

best buds

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