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Monday, January 7, 2013

Peanut Post: Annalyn Up Close & Personal

A couple mornings ago, I snapped a few pictures of my little Peanut on my iPhone. The lighting was soft and pretty and she was so sweet and happy. Getting her to stay in one place long enough to take these kind of close-up pictures is pretty rare these days, so I'm always amazed when I do.

My sweet baby is growing up so fast all of a sudden. She's constantly talking her in silly little baby language including lots of dadada, bababa, googoo, spit bubbles, etc., but also occasionally some "words" like baby, cu-kee (cookie), and pupupup (puppy). Although she can, she rarely says mama. *sigh* Yet she will tell you what a monkey says when asked... "ooo, aaahh, aahh, aahh."

After 10.5 months, she's finally cutting her second tooth (2 more than Daddy had at her age, 8 less than Mama had!).  She loves to eat, everything.  We are constantly amazed at how open she is to new foods.  This week alone she's had taco meat with onion and green peppers, beef stew with mushrooms (believe it or not, ok for babies 8-10 mos and older as long as they're cooked), olives (green, black, and kalamata), and pickle.  Grandma Cindy even bent her "rules" and let Annalyn have her first cheeseburger (she originally said she had to have 4 teeth, but we got impatient).

Our little lady is just so full of love and laughter.  When we take her out, she waits for people to make eye contact, then wrinkles her nose and flashes that beautiful smile.  She truly lights up any room that she's in.  This baby girl is the apple of her Mama's eye, and I'm pretty sure she knows it!



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