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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Peanut Post: Pretty Painted Piggies

How precious are these tiny painted baby toes?!  Annalyn and I were having a girly moment and decided to do pedicures (sadly, I started with hers and mine has yet to be done...).   Believe it or not, this is not the first time I've painted these piggies, just the most challenging.  I painted them a couple times last spring/summer while she was sleeping and holding still.  But there is no holding still for this little lady anymore!

I think maybe the only thing cuter than these piggies are the chubby little fingers inspecting them!

Since I didn't have time to get a food post together for today, I thought I'd share this precious mother-daughter moment with you instead.  Just a reminder to savor the little things.

Happy Hump Day!


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