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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Groundhog Day Fun

Does anyone else remember this guy?  Pardon-me-Pete is the little groundhog who narrates the 1979 TV special Jack Frost in which Jack Frost tries to delay spring by scaring Pete with his shadow.  It's one of my personal favorites, especially the part where Pete sings a little song about Groundhog Day...
"I've got a day named after me, Feb-ru-ary 2!
That's the day when I decide, what the weather's gonna do..."
For whatever reason, that song's stayed with me over the years, and because of it, Groundhog Day continues to be one of my favorite little traditions.  Especially when good ole 'Punxsutawney Phil' predicts an early spring!  Here's to hoping!
Happy Feb-ru-ary 2!

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