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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Peanut Post: Blueberry-Banana-Yogurt-Oat Smootie

Peanut & Mama have officially fallen in love with smoothies lately.  They make the perfect on the go snack, are easy to pack for road trips and easy to feed in the car/at a restaurant/while getting groceries/etc.  With the help of my handing reusable pouches, I'm having a great time experimenting with new flavor combinations.  Here's a yummy fruit and yogurt treat packed with nutrition.  The addition of baby oatmeal to thicken the mixture also makes it extra filling for hungry baby tummies.  This mama even added a little cinnamon for my little lady.

Blueberry-Banana-Yogurt-Oat Smoothie

- 1 ripe banana
- 1/4 c. blueberries, frozen or fresh
- 1/2 c. yogurt
- baby cereal as needed to thicken
- dash of cinnamon, optional

1.  In a blender or food processor, combine banana, blueberries, and yogurt; puree until smooth.

2.  Since the puree was pretty runny, I added baby cereal to thicken the mixture to the consistency of thick applesauce (ideal for the pouches).  Add a little at a time and blend after each addition.  Add cinnamon, optional.

this is about the perfect consistency

3.  Spoon into pouches, freeze in ice cube trays, or serve immediately.  Peanut was a big fan and it filled up her little belly on our way back from Huntington last weekend to hold her over until dinner.


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