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Monday, February 25, 2013

So much for a vacation...

Sorry for the lack of posts last week. Despite having my first vacation week since Annalyn was born, I ended up with zero "Mama time." I envisioned this perfect week with lots of Mama/Peanut time and intimate little bday celebrations. On the plus side, I ended up with lots of extended family time, some much-needed Niedermeyer time, and even got to take my brother and his fiancé's engagement photos (which I will be sharing soon!). Unfortunately the week also included Grandpa's funeral, hospital bill drama (12 mos later!), driving all day on Valentine's Day and Peanut's bday, and Annalyn's first (and very sad) ear infection. Where's my cape again? I must have misplaced it...

But last night, just as we were about to go to bed with the hope of our poor sick baby sleeping through the night, my little peanut inspired me. My sick, exhausted little lady climbed up a whole flight of stairs (with Mama close behind) and walked to her room. Obviously she had found her cape :)

I promise I have some yummy recipes, adorable pics, and a 1 year old post coming soon. But for now, here's my brave little lady...

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