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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dear Baby: Week 6/7

Dear Baby,

Although I won't be posting this for awhile, I figured today was the perfect day to start writing to you.  This afternoon I have my first OB appointment and ultrasound.  I'm a crazy hormonal mix of excited, nervous, nauseous (oh so nauseous!  Thanks for that...), and anxious as I sit on the couch eating salty potato chips (don't judge, if it keeps me from hurling all morning and being dehydrated, it's better than nothing).  Your big sister is still sleeping and I'm just daydreaming about what I'll get to see this afternoon.  After a spotting scare last week, I still have my reservations about getting too excited, but at the same time, I can't help but hope.  With full blown nausea starting this week (over a week earlier than it did with Annalyn), I'm actually hopeful that all is well.  Between you and me, I actually have a strange feeling that you might be twins (yikes!), but only time will tell. Your dad doesn't get to come to the appointment today because it's the last day of his semester at school.  We are both bummed, but he's made me promise to text him updates constantly.  We are both so excited for you. Well, your big sis is waking up, so this letter will have to be a quick one.  Hoping to see you later, little heartbeat and all.  Love you already sweet baby.



Dear Baby,

Well, the ultrasound came and went but not much to report.  The general consensus was that 5 weeks 6 days is just too early to see much (although that's the exact day I saw Annalyn's heartbeat for the first time).  I guess you're going to be more like Daddy and do things on your own time.  Might be a good thing to have one less type A personality in this house anyway.  The doctor says everything looks good for being this far along and scheduled another ultrasound for next week, so hoping to see more then.  As for my twin premonition, well, I wasn't exactly right.  They did see what looked to be a second gestational sack, but nothing was developing in it, so looks like you're going it alone (at least til you're born and meet your big sis).  Mama is in full blown morning/afternoon/night/all day long sickness which is just super.  It's so much harder this time because I can't just lay in bed all day on my days off.  Once again, Pizza Lunchables seem to get me through (at least today) - gross, I know but hey, it's better than hurling all day on an empty stomach.  (Today was my first official puke, too.  Ah, your first milestone!)  Aside from that and the emotional swings (which I totally blame on Glee's tribute to Cory Monteith - again, showing my guilty pleasure/girly side), I'm doing ok.  Still hopefull that all is well and you're growing as you should.  I feel like the extreme nausea is a good sign right now.  No strong feelings as far as your gender yet, but I really didn't with Annalyn either.  My prayers are wasted on things like healthy, happy, and whole instead of blue or pink, so focusing on that.  Love you like crazy.



Dear Baby:

Today we were sooo excited to see your tiny heartbeat for the first time.  Daddy and Annalyn came along and they got to see/hear it, too. (Not that there's much to see at just under 7 weeks, but a beating heart was music to my ears).  We love you like crazy.  Still super sick - looks like you're going to be more like your big sis than I thought.



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