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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Simply the Best Banana Bread

Here's a super simple, but amazingly flavorful banana bread recipe that I acquired many years ago from one of our apartment neighbors (best neighbors we ever had in the apartment by far!).  Shenae would bake a whole bunch of small tin loaf pans full of banana bread (with or without chocolate chips) and bring them over hot (not warm), oven mit on each hand.  AWESOME.  Probably one of the only things I miss about that apartment (though they moved out before we did).  We've since lost touch, but like any good friends, the memories and recipes live on.   I made a loaf of this the other day and it still reminded me of sitting on our old red couch, eating fresh banana bread, and watching Gilmore Girls with Shenae.  With only 7 ingredients, it's so simple that I forgot to even take pics along the way.  But the final product was so pretty I had to share it!  Here's how Mama makes it:

Simply the Best Banana Bread


- 4 ripe bananas, mashed
- 1 c. sugar
- 1/2 c. crisco (butter flavored works, too)
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 c. milk
- 2 c. flour
- 1 t. baking soda


1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Mix mashed bananas, sugar, and crisco until blended.

2.  Add eggs and milk, stir.

3.  Add flour and baking soda, stir until just combined.  Pour into ungreased pan(s).  Makes 4 small loaf pans or 1 large pan.

4.  Bake at 350 for 30 minutes for small pans, or 45-50 minutes for large pan.

how pretty is this hammered aluminum tray?!
it belonged to Michael's Grandma,
so it's really special to have it on our table

5.  Slice, butter, and enjoy!

It sure made a nice warm-me-up treat for Michael after his first of several driveway shoveling escapades during "Snowpocalypse 2014".

Apparently Jack Frost likes basketball!  2 pts!

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