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Friday, February 14, 2014

Making Mama Moment: Realizing I'm not the only one in my kitchen

Let me set the scene of this discovery for you...

I woke up early, did my hair/makeup, got dressed in something other than pajama-like maternity clothes...

Peanut woke up, I got her dressed and braided her hair, we took a few pictures using the timer on the camera...

We went to my OB appointment and listened to tummy baby, then out to lunch...

After a busy morning, it was finally nap time for Peanut and I decided to get a head start on making her bday cupcakes...

I put on an apron, not wanting to get flour  on my belly that officially hangs over the counter, and started mixing up some white almond cupcakes...

Into my mixer bowl went all the dry ingredients, I gave em a quick whisk then in went the wet ingredients, including my last teaspoon of almond extract...

Just like I've done a hundred times before, I attached the bowl and plugged in my mixer...

Only to have myself, counters, floors, and entire kitchen covered in cake batter...

It was in my hair.

It was on my carefully picked outfit (I was already bummed that Michael and I were finally going to a Butler game and none of my BU shirts fit over the belly).

It was covering the floor, sticky as all get out.

It was caked on my counters, mixer, cabinets, fridge, and even my camera strap. 

The mixer was set all the way to 10...

I've never EVER used that setting...

But guess who loves to stand on a chair and "help" me cook lately...

You guessed it - my crazy Peanut. 

I could've taken a picture to show you, but you've all seen it on cartoons. I was shocked, upset, angry (at myself), humbled, and did I mention upset?

Not how I wanted to spend my free time and definitely not how I wanted my baking time to go.  Now I was left with a giant mess, no cupcake ingredients to start over, and limited time before Annalyn woke up and we had to leave for the game.  Michael of course had a dentist appointment so no help there for awhile. 

Grrr... Talk about a frustrating lesson to learn!


  1. I believe that is Annalyn's (and Emelina's) way of reminding you that things are only going to get more messy, and you dear friend, are not in control. . . . sigh! But, I saw this quote that I think is so fitting, "If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart." And girl, you've got so much joy coming your way!

    1. Thanks for the perspective, friend! It's been a challenge lately with a two-year-old testing me at every turn on top of growing a person. Hopefully my second daughter will be as awesome as your mama's ;)
