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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Georgia Vacation 2015

Girls, I know you won't remember much of this trip, especially Emma, so I jotted down some notes/memories for you.  This was the first time both of you saw an ocean (lucky you, I didn't until I was 20 years old and on my honeymoon!) or went to a beach.  Even with two little kids, the beach was definitely the most relaxing part of the trip (until it was time to leave... I hate sand). The photo below was taken with the self-timer on my camera in the master bedroom of the house we rented on Tybee Island.  We had to pretend that the camera was a volcano that was going to erupt and we all had to jump on the bed before the light stopped flashing.  Hey, it got all four of us looking and for the most part smiling, didn't it? 

Day 1:  drove through Nashville, Chattanooga, and Atlanta, lots of traffic. Stopped just south of Atlanta and stayed at the Holiday Inn in McDonough, GA.  Best hotel room ever! For $15, upgraded to a two room suite and the girls slept great. Even got to swim in the pool.
Mountains in Chattanooga 

Dance party with those other little girls in the mirror.

Day 2:  made it to Savannah! Just like last time we were here, got poured on by a pop up storm. Decided to make the most of it - picked up some muscadine wine at city market and ice cream at Leopold's. Annalyn, as we pushed you around Savannah eating your ice cream cone, people kept stopping to ask if we'd like their napkins/water bottles/etc. to help clean you up.  We kindly declined and just let you enjoy your first Leopold's cone.  See?  We were cool once.

Later we took you to see the ocean for the first time at Tybee Island North Beach. It was a gorgeous night and you guys were in love from the second your toes hit the sand.  Emma, we couldn't keep you out of the water!  You would walk/run in until the waves hit you about waist high, then sit down. Annalyn, you loved the holes in the sand that Daddy would dig and let you sit/splash around in. You pretended that it was your nest and you would collect shells to decorate it with.  And of course, you both chased a lot of seagulls...

Day 3:  today we stayed on Tybee, starting with touring Fort Pulaski, then a trip to the beach. After naps we went out to eat then headed to the pier and boardwalk for an after dinner stroll.  Annalyn discovered that she loves fresh shrimp, and Emma fell in love with french fries and anything she could dip this trip.  Then it was back to the house for the peach pie I made during naps (with Georgia peaches, of course!). 

Day 4:  no beach today. Instead we went into Savannah to the children's museum in the morning, ate lunch at the Pirates' House (where Annalyn shocked the waitress by ordering and devouring a bowl of gumbo), then went back to Forsyth Park after naps. 

Day 5:  For our last day of vacation, we started with lattes and smoothies from Tybean (the salted caramel latte was the best cup of coffee I have EVER had) and a morning trip to the beach. It was so nice out and we didn't want to leave, but we had pancakes with peach sauce to make!  After that yummy brunch, we went in to Savannah's city market to pick up some more goodies, including the girls' very own palm leaf flowers (my personal favorite souvenir from the south).  As a special treat, we ordered take out from the Sundae Cafe on Tybee.  (We discovered that ordering take out from a fancy restaurant is much better than trying to take two toddlers to a fancy restaurant.). With a couple hours to spare, we went back to the beach for an evening stroll and some shell collecting.

Day 6:  Today, we left Georgia at 6;10 am and got home at 9 pm - yes, it was A LOT of driving!  You both were surprisingly good in the car and we were all oh so glad to be home.  Annalyn did, however, proclaim that she'd rather live in our vacation house. (In your defense, it was pretty awesome!  Here's the link and a few pics below.)  Two days later, Mama went back to work, and the day after that, Daddy started a new school year.  The next week, Annalyn will start preschool.  Our summer of family fun is quickly coming to a close.  We are all a little sad to see it go, but then again, who isn't looking forward to fall?!  

Love you, girls!  So glad we got to take you to one of our favorite places and start making your own memories there.



  1. How do you seem to have the entire beach to yourselves?? Sounds like an awesome and very relaxing trip! This house fits 9?? Sounds like you need five more people to join you next time... I know a family becoming five soon. :)

  2. It was a pretty empty beach, especially the first night we went. Believe it or not, it did have it's relaxing moments (and a few trying ones). It was a pretty big house - there were a couple pull out couches even. We said that next time we should go with a group! ;)
