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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Engagement Photos: Best of T & M, Black & White

Last weekend I had the privilege of photographing my baby brother and his beautiful fiance.   Sure it was about 30 degrees outside, and yes, that is snow on the ground, but these two didn't even seem to notice.  There were so many amazing photos, I decided to break it up into a few posts.  For today, here's the my favorites in black & white.  Some of these I practically shot in black & white because I could just tell they'd be perfect without color.  Hope these love birds make you smile :)


I love how this one tells a story

puppy love

I can't decide which way I like these better,
color or b/w

now this one is perfect without color
how happy are they?!

had to get some shots of that ring 

love the look on this face

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