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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fresh Tomato Summer Lasagna

This lasagna dish will have you yearning for end-of-summer garden fresh toatoes and basil!  It's simple ingredients and fresh flavors are perfect for a summer evening.  Think lasagna meets caprese salad meets margarita pizza.  Wow, right?!  Your taste buds will agree.  Here's how Mama makes it:

Fresh Tomato Summer Lasagna


- 1 box lasagna noodles (I used 9 noodles, but always make more just in case)
- 4 oz. prosciutto
- 2 c. cherry tomatoes, halved (half red/yellow makes it very colorful!)
- 1 T. olive oil
- 1/2 c. pesto
- 2 c. ricotta cheese
- 1 c. grated parmesan cheese
- fresh mozzarella (about 6 slices)
- fresh basil, for garnish
- balsamic vinegar, for drizzling
- salt and pepper, to taste


1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees, spray a 9x13" pan with cooking spray.  Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions (boil water, add noodles, cook about 12 minutes for whole grain pasta).

2.  Meanwhile, heat a large medium skillet over medium-high heat, add prosciutto slices and cook a few at a time, flipping once, until browned and crisped.  Set aside on a plate. (You can either leave it in slices or crumble - I just broke it into pieces).

3.  Reduce heat to medium-low and in the same skillet, add washed, halved tomatoes and olive oil.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper; cook for about 3-5 minutes, until tomatoes soften and start to break down slightly. 

4.  Add the pesto to the tomatoes and cook another 1-2 minutes.  Remove from heat.

5.  In a medium bowl, combine ricotta and parmesan.  Slice the mozzarella, and as soon as the noodles are cooked and drained, you are ready to start layering!

6.  In the greased pan, assemble the lasagna.  Start with a layer of noodles, then spread with half of the ricotta cheese mixture.  Spoon about half of the tomatoes over the cheese, then top with the prosciutto. 

7.  Repeat once, reserving a few of the tomatoes to place on top of the lasagna.  On the top noodles, arrange mozzarella slices, tomato halves, and a few basil leaves. 

8.  Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes until cheese melts and browns slightly. 

hmmm, I feel like it's missing a little somethin'...

yep, much better!

want a bite?

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