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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Staycation part 2: Apple Picking at Stuckey Farm

As promised, here are some pictures from our staycation adventure to Stuckey Farm, a local apple orchard with u-pick apples.  They have so many different varieties that depending on the time of year you go, there are different types of apples to pick.  Our favorite from this trip were the Paula Red apples.  They had an amazingly crisp texture and the perfect mix of sweet and tart flavor.  I'm pretty sure they will make some awesome pies!

They offer several different sized bags, but we chose the 1/2 bushel bag ($20) since we wanted to make lots of canned apple pie filling.  Basically, you are given a bag and you fill it as full as possible for that set price.  Ours came out to about 20 lbs. of apples!
hunt for the perfect apple!

It was so much fun to see the look on Annalyn's face when she realized there were apples on the trees.  She even picked a couple herself (which of course we brought home!).

The whole experience took about an hour (including lots of photos), which was the perfect amount of time for a one and half year old.  The orchard was very open with lots of room for Peanut to run around.  She rotated from playing with apples, to ring around the rosy, running ahead of us, and helping to carry the bag. 

"ashes, ashes"

But like any little girl, even apples can't hold a candle to picking flowers.

maybe not the best kind to smell, Peanut
After filling up our bag and helping spread dandelions, we headed in to the little store for a frozen apple cider.   It was the perfect end to a warm afternoon of apple picking.  We are already planning our next visit to Stuckey Farm as more of the different apple varieties ripen.  I imagine it will be awesome in the fall and become a little family tradition of ours.
Happy apple picking, everyone!

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