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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Peanut Post: We've been baking!!!

Since I couldn't send out cards to everyone, I decided to scan them in so I could finally share some of these adorable pics from our baking cookies photo shoot (pictures courtesy of Golden Light Photography, matching aprons courtesy of my super talented mother-in-law).  I decided to let Peanut narrate them since she tells such good stories these days...

"Mama and I have been doing lots of baking lately.
I thought we were making cookies,
but Mama says there's a bun in the oven..."

"She also stays there's a baby in her belly,
but I guess we have to wait 'til early June (due 6/6/14)
to meet my new brother or sister.
I'm sure glad cookies don't take that long to cook!
Wish you were here to share them with us."

"soon-to-be BIG sister,"

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