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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

About Aboo: Gender Reveal!!

Thanks to modern technology, we were able to find out the gender of our little one earlier than if we'd had to wait for the mid-pregnancy ultrasound.  I had decided not to until I discussed it with my doctor, realized my insurance paid for at least part of it, and just couldn't help but want to know!  Basically the test works by analyzing fetal DNA that crosses the placenta into the mother's blood stream (it's a simple blood draw, completely non-invasive to baby - read about it here).  It's able to screen for numerous genetic/chromosomal abnormalities as well as X/Y (gender) with extremely high accuracy (>99%).  But that's enough of the science lesson for today... back to my kiddos!

As I've mentioned before, Annalyn has decided that tummy baby's name is Aboo or sometimes just Boo.  We've decided to go with a name we've loved for a long time, but figure it will make one cute nickname!  Annalyn was very excited when I told her baby Aboo's gender, so I decided to let her break the news to everyone:

We couldn't be more excited to meet our little one this spring.  Feeling so blessed to have another healthy baby in the making!

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