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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Convos with Peanut: Tummy Baby

Mama - Annalyn, where's Mama's tummy baby? <she points to my belly>  Do you like tummy baby?

Peanut - hug, kiss...  aww, so cute!  <whilst patting/hugging/kissing my belly>

Mama - Anna, do you think tummy baby is a baby girl or a baby boy?  (granted this answer changes about daily)

Peanut - Baby booooy <smiling>

Mama - What should we name baby boy?

Peanut - Giiiirl!!!  <she says with lots of excitement>

Mama (looking at Daddy laughing) - Well, Johnny Cash might approve of a boy named girl, but we might want to think of some other options...

This was a couple weeks ago, she now insists that tummy baby's name is "aboo" or just "boo." Again, I have no clue where she came up with it :) 

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