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Friday, December 6, 2013

Dear Baby: Week 14

Dear Baby,

Well, we are officially onto the second trimester!  So feel free to stop the nausea and hurling at any time now.  For some reason, my kids never seem to get that memo...  Mama is definitely starting to show, which seems crazy this early.  I also swear I have started feeling you move already.  Call me crazy, but at night when I'm laying super still, I can feel those first little flutters low in my abdomen.  According to BabyCenter, you're about the size of a lemon now.   Bye-bye seeds and legumes, on to the fruit comparisons!

Daddy and I have already started daydreaming about what you'll be like.  We wonder if you'll be as strong-willed and active as big sis, or more laid back and chill.  We still don't know your gender, so we have a lot of room to speculate on that, too.  I think we've picked out the names either way (definitely if you're a boy), so as soon as we know we can stop calling you tummy baby and start getting used to your name.  I just can't wait for that!  Call us crazy, but we like to name our little tummy babies as soon as we can.  You are already a little person and a part of our family, so we like to treat you as such.  I even have the main part of your stocking ready, just waiting to see if I'll be putting red or blue felt at the top for next Christmas (so your mama plans ahead a little). 

Let me think, what other milestones have we hit?  Well, we announced your existence to the world just before Thanksgiving, that's a big one.  Everyone's excited to meet you this Spring and see how Peanut deals with being a big sister.  Don't worry, we have high hopes that she won't toss you around like her baby dolls.  To be fair, she does kiss/hug them first.  Oh, and I can no longer button my pants, despite the fact that I've lost weight.  On to the elastic for us, kiddo!  Looking forward to lots and lots more milestones in the coming months and years.

Love you like crazy,


a beautiful snowy morning,
just 6 more months until your due date!!

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