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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Toddler Meals: Chicken & Cheese Roll-ups (with mustard!)

As I've mentioned several times before, Annalyn is obsessed with mustard.  So I decided to use that to my advantage to get her to eat more (it's true, my once food-obsessed baby has become an I'm-too-busy-playing-to-eat toddler).  She is still pretty accepting of most foods and doesn't refuse it completely, it just seems like she eats so much less than she did, say, a year ago even.  But then I look at those perfectly chubby cheeks and thighs and remember that she's not starving herself.  Nonetheless, easy to make healthy, Peanut-approved lunches are becoming more of a struggle, so when this one was a big hit, I decided to share.  It's funny because I ate similar things while pregnant with her, mustard and all.  Here's how Mama makes it:

Chicken & Cheese Roll-ups

- 1 tortilla (whole grain preferred, but I only had regular)
- 1/3 c. shredded cheese (I had mozzarella and tossed in a slice of gouda we were snacking on)
- 2-3 slices lunch meat (we had chicken, but turkey/ham/etc. works fine, too)
- your toddler's "dip" of choice - ranch, mustard, etc.
- additional add-ins:  black beans, spinach, shredded carrots, chopped cucumber/tomato, any veggie you would like on a wrap! (we kept it simple this time just to see how she'd do, but I figure I'll jazz it up a little next time)
1.  Lay tortilla flat on a microwave safe plate.  Sprinkle with cheese, then lay lunch meat over the top.
2.  Microwave for 30-40 seconds until cheese melts.  Roll the tortilla starting at one end and place seam side down.  Cut in half and serve with condiment of choice.

printable recipe

fingers are also good dipped in mustard
but don't fill up little bellies as well!

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