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Friday, August 28, 2015

2 Minute Apple Crisp

Is anyone else loving this fall(ish) weather?  I sure am!  (Even if it's going to be near 90 next week...) I couldn't resist making something reminiscent of fall food, but since we've been trying hard to eat healthy, I didn't want to completely splurge on something like pie.  So I opted for this super easy apple crisp-type snack (for under 200 calories!).  All you need is an apple, a little cinnamon, and a handful of granola (I used pre-made this time, but I think it'd be extra yummy with this homemade granola with dried cherries/cranberries).  Here's how Mama makes it:

2 Minute Apple Crisp

Ingredients: (per 1 serving)
- 1 Apple, sliced
- 2-3 T. Water
- 1/4 t. Cinnamon
- 1/4 c. Granola
Optional - feel like splurging? Top with a scoop of ice cream! Feel like splurging big time? Top the ice cream with caramel syrup. 

1. Place apple slices in a microwave safe dish.  Add 3 T. water, cover, and microwave on high for 2 minutes.

2. Drain the liquid and sprinkle with cinnamon and granola. Serve warm.

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