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Friday, September 6, 2013

Pie-pocalypse Preview

Yesterday I had an out of body experience. I watched as my crazy type A personal took over and I churned out 15 pies and a wedding cake all before 5pm. I still can't tell you how I managed it, but I think I took pictures so I'll be sure to post some later! I know there was tons of planning involved, a few prayers, some help from one of Annalyn's favorite pseudo-Aunts, and possibly some fairy dust.  Here's a quick preview of a few of the blueberry peach pies. Seriously the prettiest pies I've ever made: 
No cracks, no collapse, the perfect amount of beautiful blue drips. This is going to be one awesome wedding! So happy for Jeff & Kinzie's big day and that I got to help with such a special part of it.  Feeling awfully blessed this morning!

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