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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Post-Pie-Pocalypse Wedding Bliss

Well, as many of you have seen or heard, I made it through the pie-pocalypse.  Fifteen pies in about 10 hours was nothing short of magic.  But with lots (and lots) of planning ahead, it was incredibly manageable.  I'm pretty sure all of these recipes have been on my blog before, so no new ones to share, just lots of fun pictures and links! 

I just love pie at weddings!
fit the setting and the people so perfectly

6 Dutch Apple Pies - Can't go wrong with the always popular, good old-fashioned apple pie with a yummy crumb topping.  Made using my homemade apple pie filling from the apples we picked at Stuckey Farm, these were homegrown, homemade deliciousness.

I measured all the dry ingredients ahead of time
to save time on the big day!

4 Blueberry Peach Pies - Another of my favorite pie recipes, the blueberry peach pies were definitely the prettiest.  Instead of a boring top crust and always seems to crack, fall, or get soggy by the time it's served, I decided to use roll out pastry and cookie cutters to make these beautiful heart designs.  I was amazed with how well they turned out after being baked - not a single crack or fall, just beautiful blue drips around the edges.

I brushed the tops with egg beaters
then sprinkled on some sanding sugar

4 Nutella Silk Pies - Mama's twist on a classic, these lucious silk pies are essentially French silk pies using Nutella in place of some of the unsweetened baking chocolate.  They were definitely a hit - not a single slice left!  Using ice packs and covered foil pans, I was even able to keep them chilled until serving.  As described by a friend of ours, "they ruined every other pie for me, because every pie from now on will be crap compared to French silk pies."  (In case you don't know Marzotto, that's a pretty great compliment!)

1 Banoffee Pie - This was a special request from the bride, so it had to be perfect.  One of the easiest pies ever to make, I was happy to oblige!

I later added the date to the bottom, too
The bride sent me a pic the next day of them eating it :)

 1 White Almond Wedding Cake - Don't think this recipe is on my blog yet, but it's also not my recipe.  It can be found online in several forms, but it's essentially a white almond cake made with sour cream.  I decorated it with a buttercream icing and apricot filling.  I hear it was pretty great ;)  I'm also working on a   post about wedding cake timing as far as if/when to freeze, when to fill/crumb coat/ice, etc., so check back soon for that!  After a lot of research and a (now) tested timetable, I will never make a cake without using it.

the groom giving me a thumbs up after tasting it

The wedding was absolutely beautiful.  I've never been to one that went smoother - seriously, everything went perfectly.  At least to my knowledge, that is.  We had a wonderful time, and thanks to my BFF and the wedding photographer of the night, Michael and I got some much-needed and appreciated adult time towards the end of the night.  I just loved having Annalyn there (especially for the dance - she LOVES dancing), but it was important for us to have time for just the two of us and some of our closest friends to celebrate such an exciting day. 

look at their faces!
so happy for this awesome couple

Annalyn stole the bouquet!
and made friends with the bridesmaides

she wanted to dance all night long (even before music)
Shawna has some great ones of her dancing at the reception
but I don't have them just yet.

Another perk of being the BFF of the wedding photographer - we stole her for some family pics!  These are a few of the maybe 10 shots it took for her to capture our sweet little family.  Shawna + camera = magic!

It's hard, but don't forget to keep taking pictures as a couple 
We hadn't in awhile, but I LOVE this one!

had to get her in front of the camera for one of our awesome BFF shots

once again, Shawna captured one of our silly moments
so much better than posed shots!

It truly was an amazing wedding and a really, really fun night.  Got to catch up with lots of our college friends, spend time with our Indy family of Butler friends, celebrate Jeff & Kinzie, dance with our Peanut, spend time as a couple outside of parenthood, and eat some pie!  I loved being able to share my love of baking with people I love and getting to tell lots of their guests about some of my favorite pies.  Dan, Shawna, & Remy even stayed for the weekend so we could get some much needed catch up time with our BFFs.  We are feeling so blessed :)

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