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Friday, January 24, 2014

Strawberry-Banana-Avocado Smoothie To Go!

In a previous post, I talked about how much we loved our latest baby/toddler food pouch/cup discovery, the Sucup.  It's perfectly sized, easy to use, spill-proof, and best of all, even travels well.  Annalyn loves that it fits in the cup holder of her car seat.  Mama loves that she can have a snack or breakfast on the go without risking her making a huge mess in the car.  It's true, we definitely love this cup!  Here's a recipe for a quick and easy toddler smoothie that's been a big hit with Peanut lately and fits perfectly into her Sucup. 

Strawberry-Banana-Avocado Smoothie To Go

Ingredients:  (or double this recipe and store half for later or the next day.  Add a little lemon juice to help prevent the fruit from browning.)

- 1/2 ripe banana
- 1/2 avocado
- 1/4 c. strawberry yogurt
- 1-2 T. milk to thin to desired consistency


1.  Place banana, avocado, and yogurt in a small blender and blend until smooth.  Add milk to thin to a drinkable, but not runny consistency.

the strawberry yogurt adds sweetness and dimension
to the classic banana'cado smoothie

2.  Spoon into your baby/toddler's favorite pouch and away you go!

she was so excited, she couldn't even wait for me to put the lid on!

See, Mama?!  I've almost finished it already!

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