Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sausage Crescent Wraps with Mustard & Pepperjack

I found this recipe in a little index card box that had belonged to Michael's Grandma Eddie.  It was tucked away among a plethera of magazine, newspaper, and other random recipe clippings she had cut out and saved, along with some handwritten recipes from friends and neighbors.  Grandpa Eddie said he didn't ever remember trying some of them, so they may have just been ideas or recipes she hoped to try someday.  Even if she never made this one, I like to think she would be glad that we did.  That little piece of paper she tucked away has become one of our favorite recipes for breakfasts, brunches, and late-night snacks.  It also inspired my own little recipe box that houses many of our tried and true favorites, but also a few "ideas for later" that we haven't gotten to yet... just like Grandma's.

Sausage Crescent Wraps with Mustard & Pepperjack


-2 tubes crescent rolls (8 each)
-16 sausage patties or links
-1 c. mustard
-8 slices pepperjack cheese
-2 T. sesame seeds


1.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  In a large skillet, cook sausage over medium heat until browned and cooked through.
may need to add a little bit of water to the pan

decided to make half with links and half with patties

2.  On a large baking sheet, unroll crescent rolls a few at a time.  Brush about 1 T. mustard over the entire surface of each roll.

3.  Place sausage patty in the middle of each roll, top with pepperjack cheese.  

4.  Bring the three sides of the crescent together on top of the sausage one at a time, bringing the longest side up last and tucking it under the wrap to seal (there will be openings in the wrap, do not worry about sealing it completely).   If using links, wrap the crescents around the sausage link and cheese, similar to "pigs in a blanket."  Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

5.  Bake for about 12 minutes, or according to crescent roll directions on the tube.  Crescent should be golden brown and the cheese will just start to ooze out the sides.  If you can stand it, let them cool for 5-10 minutes before devouring.

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